
I grew up in London, but I’ve always loved wild places. I live in Cornwall now, on the edge of the moor. From my door, I can walk up onto the hills, down into the woods or across a patchwork of fields to the neighbouring villages.

I came to Cornwall from Shetland, where I lived throughout my twenties.

The beach next to my first house in Shetland

On my travels, I almost always head North, to places like Iceland, the Faroes and the Lofoten islands, and in recent years I’ve taken to overwintering, like a bird of passage, in the Northern Isles.

Carpark graffiti in Tromso

But the best adventures are in dreams, where anything can happen and the normal rules don’t apply, and I’ve been a creative dreamer all my adult life.

Dream journals

Out of the dreaming came the writing, and out of the writing, the workshops.

Life, writing, workshops… Sign up to my monthly newsletter if you’d like to hear how it’s going.